Forty-five (45) residents from the north coast villages of Blanchisseuse & La Fillette will be the first cohort to benefit from a new pilot program to train residents in rural areas to become [...]
The NCRHA’s Great Pap Smear Campaign on June 16, was a life-saver for nine (9) fortunate women who took the time for early screening for cancer. The initiative was able to identify cancer in the [...]
TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE (239) patients have been cleared off of the surgical waiting list through the North Central Regional Health Authority’s Surgical Sundays Programme. The disruptive [...]
July 18 2018
Newsletter Dec 31, 2017
More than 17,000 ultra-sound examinations have been conducted by the Colposcopy Centre at the Mt Hope Women’s Hospital since January 2016, as the North Central Regional Health Authority moves to [...]