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Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet

World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 August to encourage breastfeeding and improve the health of babies around the world. The theme of WBW 2020 is “Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet”. The NCRHA has taken the call to protect and promote women’s access to skilled breastfeeding counselling, which is a critical component of breastfeeding support.
Breastfeeding provides every child with the best possible start in life. It delivers health, nutritional, and emotional benefits to both children and mothers. It forms part of a sustainable food system. We, the NCRHA, will ensure that mothers have access to skilled breastfeeding counselling, empowering her to give her baby the best possible start in life.
According to the World Breastfeeding Week organization, the objectives for 2020, in relation to the theme, are: INFORM, ANCHOR, ENGAGE & GALVANIZE.

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